%pl options

In this section:

The following options are available for use with %pl (SIMPLEPLOT Graphics Region) in automatic mode:




Specifies a Cartesian plot with linear x and y data. This is the default.


Specifies a Cartesian plot with linear x and log y data.


Specifies a Cartesian plot with log x and linear y data.


Specifies a Cartesian plot with log x and log y data.


Specifies the number of graphs to be drawn on the same axes (the default is N_GRAPHS=1)


Specifies text for x-axis label (the default is X_AXIS=X)


Specifies text for y-axis label (the default is Y_AXIS=Y)


Specifies the title for graph (by default there is no title).


Specifies that an array of x values is supplied. If this option is not specified then the first x value together with a constant increment must be supplied.


Specifies the minimum y value. By default this is computed from the data.


Specifies the maximum Y value. By default this is computed from the data.


Specifies the colour of the plot (red, black, blue, etc.). The first use of COLOUR refers to the first plot, the second to the second plot and so on.


The same as COLOUR.


STYLE=0 gives a smooth plot. With STYLE=1, points are plotted using small squares and the relevant colour. The first use of STYLE refers to the first plot, the second to the second plot and so on.

Additional options for use with native %pl (SIMPLEPLOT Graphics Region) are described here.

Note that where text is supplied for the label of an axis or for the title, this text is terminated by the next comma, space or square bracket. In order to include commas, spaces or square brackets in the text you should enclose it in single or double quotation marks.

Here is a program that uses some of these options.

      INTEGER i,x,winio@,N
      REAL*8 p1,p2,p3,y(N)
c---Prepare the data.
      DO i=1,N
c---Display a window containing the graph.
      i=winio@('%ww[no_border]%ca[SIMPLEPLOT-Damped wave]%pv&')
     +//'y_axis=Amplitude,title="Sample plot",colour=red]',
     +   400,300,N,0.0D0,1.0D0,y)

In this case, since the option X_ARRAY is not used, the argument list for %pl (SIMPLEPLOT Graphics Region) includes the initial value of x (0.0D0) and the increment for x (1.0D0). Note also that %ww (Window Style) and %pv (Pivot) are used with %pl (SIMPLEPLOT Graphics Region). As a result, the window can be sized and the graph is redrawn to fill the window. The output is illustrated below.

Here is a fragment of code that shows how to plot two graphs on one set of axes.

+  'TITLE="Sample",N_GRAPHS=2,COLOUR=red,COLOUR=blue,X_ARRAY]',
+  300,300,N,xarr,yarr1,yarr2)

There is one x-array for the two y-arrays. The first graph would be red in colour and the second blue.

Note that the arrays of data supplied to %pl (SIMPLEPLOT Graphics Region) usually need to be available for as long as the window is displayed. In particular, the data will be re-plotted if the window is re-sized. It is also possible to call the routine SIMPLEPLOT_REDRAW@ to force all such plots to be re-drawn using whatever values are currently present in the arrays. SIMPLEPLOT_REDRAW@ is a subroutine that takes no arguments.



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