Silverfrost environment variables

The following environment variables can be used with Silverfrost compilers in order to over-ride the default settings. Depending on the operating system, environment variables are defined in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file or by using the Control Panel.


MOD_PATH can be used in association with FTN95 in order to specify an additional search path for .MOD and associated .OBJ module files. For example,
would result in FTN95 searching in these directories if the .MOD file could not be found in the current working directory.


F95INCLUDE is like MOD_PATH and is used with FTN95 in order to specify an alternative search path for INCLUDE files that are presented between angled brackets. For example,


If DATEFAIL=YES then a runtime error will occur if either of the Silverfrost library functions DATE@ and EDATE@ is used to return a date that is not year 2000 compliant (i.e. the 8 character form is used rather than the 10 character form).


TMPDIR can be used to set the directory to be used with OPEN(STATUS='SCRATCH') and the Silverfrost library routines TEMP_FILE@ and TEMP_PATH@. Other environment variables are also available as indicated in the following search order:
 current working directory.


SALFENVAR can be set to MASK_UNDERFLOW or UNMASK_UNDERFLOW in order to provide a default state for masking Win32 underflows (see Underflows).


LIB is used by SLINK and provides a search path for Win32 library files.


SCCINCLUDE is used to provide a search path for C/C++ include files to be used with the Silverfrost C/C++ compiler.


SOURCEPATH is used by the Silverfrost Win32 debugger SDBG to provide an alternative search path for source files.


SALFORD_COLOUR is used by FTN95 to set colours for command line output. Different colours can be applied to the following types of messages output from FTN95:

Error Messages (default bright red)
Warning Messages (default bright yellow)
Comment Messages (default bright green)
Banners and Headings (default white)
Standard Lines (default bright white)
Pause Messages (default bright cyan)

The environment variable SALFORD_COLOUR is specified as a string containing a character corresponding to each of these message types, optionally separated by semi-colons. The following value are valid within the environment variable:

k - Black
b - Blue
g - Green
r - Red
y - Yellow
c - Cyan
m - Magenta
w - White

To make any colour bright, prefix the colour character with '-'.


To set FTN95 command prompt messages to:

Error Messages - red
Warning Messages - bright magenta
Comment Messages - yellow
Banners and Headings - black
Standard Lines - bright cyan
Pause Messages - black

The following string should be provided for the environment variable SALFORD_COLOUR:





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