FTN95 configuration files are created by using /CONFIG on the FTN95 command line. A configuration file must have the name FTN95.CFG but can be placed either in the compiler directory and/or in the current working directory. A configuration file that is placed in the compiler directory is universal (it will be applied to all calls to FTN95). A configuration file that is placed in the current working directory is local (it will be applied to calls to FTN95 made from that directory).
Plato is designed to work independently of any configuration files and, particularly when using projects in Plato, they are assumed to be unnecessary. Plato does not look for configuration files and does not handle them in any way. It issues FTN95 commands on your behalf and, if FTN95 finds one or more configuration files, then FTN95 processes them independently of Plato. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary complications, it is simpler to avoid using FTN95 configuration files with Plato. If you do use an FTN95 configuration file with Plato then please note the following...