Linking for Debug

When source files are compiled using checking or debugging options, the compiler inserts additional information into the object files produced. This information has to be organised and placed into the executable so that the Silverfrost debugger can be used to examine source files, set break points, examine variables etc. SLINK will automatically insert the debugging information into the executable. However, since this increases the size of the executable by a considerable amount, you are advised to switch off the checking and debugging options before preparing production versions of your executable.

The syntax of the command is:

debug [full | partial | none]

This means that the word debug can be followed by one of the options full, partial and none. The debug command with no parameters or with the keywords partial or full will insert debug information into the executable. partial and full have the same meaning. The keyword none will remove the debug information. The default is full.

If debug information is not found in the object files, then SLINK will not insert any debug information into the executable. In this case, if you are using the debug command with partial or full, then SLINK will produce a warning.



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