Memory dump

A memory dump window shows the individual bytes of memory with no formatting. The data in this window is displayed in three columns. The first column contains the start address of a strip of memory. The second column shows the bytes of memory that are contained in the memory starting at that address. The third and final column contains the ASCII representation of the same strip of memory.

The width of the strip depends on the window size and will automatically be scaled to the size of the window. In addition you can quickly change the size by pressing one of the following keys:




16 bytes wide


8 bytes wide


4 bytes wide


2 bytes wide


1 byte wide


Data values that read 'XX' constitute an invalid address.

One of the data values is highlighted. This is the current address. This is initially set to the address that you requested to display. The highlighted address is mirrored in the ASCII representation.

You can move the highlight using the following keys:




One byte to the left


One byte to the right


Up one line


Down one line

Page Up

Up one window height

Page Down

Down one window height


Pressing Alt+P will take the byte under the highlight and the following three bytes to form an address. The window will then be refreshed using this new address. This allows a pointer to be followed. You can go back to the address at which you pressed Alt+P by pressing Alt+B. You can nest Alt+P key presses to a depth of 20 and still be able to return to the starting point using Alt+B.

The expression, structure and array view windows all update to show any new values whenever the program is stepped or run to a new point. Because you may be looking at a specific area of memory, the memory dump window does not do this automatically even if the value of the expression used to set the window changes. You can force the window to reposition itself in memory by pressing Ctrl+O.

If you press the right mouse button with the mouse cursor over a memory dump window you will see a menu appear.

The items on the menu are as follows:

Menu item


16 bytes per line

16 bytes per memory strip

8 bytes per line

8 bytes per memory strip

4 bytes per line

4 bytes per memory strip

2 bytes per line

2 bytes per memory strip

1 byte per line

1 byte per memory strip

Set write break

Places a write data break on the address

Set use break

Places a use (read or write) break on the address


You can close any data view by pressing the Escape key.



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